Billy the Brave Knight!

Lesson: Literacy

Class: Year 2 Year: 2015 - 2016

Year 2 had a visitor this morning!

Perhaps the bravest (we mean lamest!) knight in the history of the world, Billy the Brave visited our class today and shared his tales of daring (not!), adventure (no chance!) and strength (we don't think so!).

We predicted what we thought would happen in his story and then learnt the actual tale.

Sadly it was more tea and biscuits that swords and dragons, but we still had a great time.

Ask us to perform the story with words and actions and stay posted for a video of us really bringing the story to life.

Want a copy of the story? You can download it from this page too!

Happy storytelling!

Just when we thought it was safe to tell stories of brave knights...IGOR ARRIVED! The most evil knight in the world paid us a visit and demanded to hear our story. We performed as best as we could but then decided it would be wise to warn the rest of the school about his terrifying appearance and actions. Take a look at our video and keep your eyes peeled for warning posters around the school!

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